
Dealing with the Christmas Food & Body police

In this episode Sam is discussing how to deal with the “Food/Body” Police at Christmas time, when they characteristically feel the need to “help” us. Music courtesy of Audionautix (


Why we should be prepared for challenging behaviour leading up to Christmas.

The inside track on why it’s not unusual that student behaviour deteriorates on the run up to Christmas and how we can prepare for this.


How CBT helps provide outstanding pastoral care in education.

Discussing how to support the mental health of students in schools using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and the resources available.


What is CBT?

In this episode Sam discusses what CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is, why it’s incerdibly effective, how it works, and why it’s a great way to start to improving mental health.


Body Confidence/Acceptance

In this episode, Sam is discussing Body Confidence and Body acceptance and why there’s a difference.  She’ll also talk about ways to improve your self-esteem by improving your perception of your body. Music courtesy of Audionautix (


Positive Thinking – Helpful or Harmful?

In this episode, Sam talks about Positive Thinking. Positive thinking is good for your mental health and apparently optimistic people live longer. But what is positive thinking and why is it a good thing? When can it become harmful and how ensure it’s helpful. Music courtesy of Audionautix (


Causation and correlation in Research

In this episode, Sam discusses why there is an important difference between causation and correlation in research findings, and why we should spend a little time investigating the research ourselves rather than accepting the reporting of research ‘findings’, without question. Music courtesy of Audionautix (


Reframing Failure

In this episode, Sam discusses the importance of being able to reframe a failure and the importance of there being no failure – only feedback. When we know better, we do better.  Using our perceived failures to learn and improve outcomes is crucial to helping us manage our mental health. Music courtesy of Audionautix (


Accepting Help

In this episode Sam discusses why too many of us feel ashamed to ask for help and accept help from others. Sam talks about why that is and how we can rethink asking for help. It’s important for our mental health that we do! Music courtesy of Audionautix (


Weight Stigma & Fat-shaming

In this episode, Sam talks about weight-stigma and how vested interests are normalising fat-shaming and quack research in order to demonise the overweight.  Links to the peer-reviewed research in to weight, obesity and why what we ‘know’ isn’t necessarily accurate, can be found on Sam’s Facebook page ( Music courtesy of Audionautix (

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